Chapter 12 : * Fur Death *

The next day Joseph came home alone ,he was greeted by the happy bark and wagging tails of their dogs, he was deeply touch when he realized how hungry their dogs were when he feeds them with a dog food and water afterwards. They had left each of them a sumptous dog food and water before they left for the picnic because Karen said all three were voracious they might eat in one meal all the foods no one will feed them again because Karen and the kids will be brought directly to the vacation house of Biance after the picnic so Joseph might not be able to go home sooner.

Joseph find no one was around observing them when he arrive. He thought that their assumption might be wrong ,maybe as couple they were just over reacting because of their wrong assumption.

Joseph had slept soundly for the next two days but on the third day ,he had been awaken by the loud barks of his dogs It's 1 a.m when he check his wristwatch, he had decided to get up to check what was making his dogs uneasy and agitated in such an early hour.. He felt something is not right or bizarre but he could not tell what it was, when he found nothing he decided to go back to sleep. On his way to his room he notice that one of the sliding windows in their sala was open so he close it, then suddenly he felt something hard hit his head and Joseph lost his consciousness.

" Hey,hey! move out , get off me ! ", Joseph said when he opened his eyes and felt his dog champ tongue licking his face. as he get up, his eyes roam around the house which is in total disarray and looks like all of his appliances were gone.

" What happened? why you let those robbers barge inside the house? I'm sure it is done by more than one person, at the rate on how fast they had taken my belongings ,just in two hours they had emptied my house ";, he said blaming the dogs sitting infront of him who just wag their tails and seems happy to see him awake.

" Oh my! what a mess! I hate those robbers! ", he moan,it was shocking but his head is still aching he will just check the whole house when he wakes up tomorrow.

After checking all three rooms,the kitchen and sala, he shook his head in disbelief when he found out that almost of their valuables were gone except the beds , cabinets, clothes and anything heavy which is impossible for them to transport unnoticed immediately. The bad thing is most of their neighbors were kilometers away so surely no one had witness the incident. The good thing is now he knows the reason why they are observing them is because they are burglars they just want to rob them . He wince as he felt the little stab of pain in his temple, but still he had decided to go to his farm.

" I'm okey, don't worry about me here", Joseph told his wife when Karen called him while he was in his office.

" What's wrong? there's something in your voice which tell me something is wrong", Karen said, he had hesitated to tell his wife what occur the night before but after a few minutes of hesitation,he realized to better let her know of the incident last night just incase something dreadful happened to him at least they are aware.

" What? Oh my gosh! how are you feeling now? I'd better go there!", Karen was in a panic upon hearing his story.

" No,! just stay with the kids and take care of them The robbers must have brought a truck use for transferring, they had taken all of our appliances ,including cooking utencils and laundry tubs!",, he said with light humorous laugh.

" Don't be silly! that is a very serious , occurence, imagine! your life had been threatened? then you just take it as a joke ?", Karen is furious.

" never mind those material things all of those can be bought! what's important is that you're alive! ",, Karen added.

" You're right, don't worry I will just put things inorder here then I will join you in a few days ", Joseph promised.

" Yes , make it fast I'm getting worried each day that you're away from us", Karen said.

" I'm sure those robbers will not come back, there's no reason for them to go back here, they had already taken all of our valuables",, Joseph said.

He thought that was the end of it, but he had proven what's in his mind is obviously wrong,0 they come back the following night while he is sleeping soundly.Joseph was awaken by strange noise , by then he realized he was not alone,and he 's right ! he had surprise unwanted visitors. Then he saw five people were inside his room when he opened his eyes, they are searching for something in his cabinet that he don't know what it is, all of them wear a mask.

" Boss , he is awake now! " , one of the intruder said when he get up from bed.

" Where's your wife and childrens? ", one of the men asked, Joseph assume he is the leader of the gang.

" They were on vacation ", Joseph answered irritably.

" That's good! then you're by yourself now, there will be no screaming and crying as we do our interrogations ", the leader said.

" You had already robbed all of my belongings then why do you need to come back? there's nothing you can take from me anymore!", Joseph angrily said.

" Sorry for your loss, but relax! we just want your money , your bank account and we just wanted to know who is that monster that save your children and to see if he will visit your family, I know he is close to your family, because why he will save your children if he is not? among the many hostages during that time, only your children he had decided to saved?", the leader said.

" I'm sorry to disappoint you but I had no bank account to brag and I had never seen that monster you're referring to! so that was the reason why you had been observing my family? so that was your group who had rob the mall? who had spread panic and scares to that mall that day, if you expected that person to visit us then you must be mistaken because he don't know us and we don't know him personally but I am grateful to that person who saved my children", Joseph said.

" For your peace of mind that was another group but I want to capture that creature for my own personal used I can use his power to my advantage ",, the leader of the group said.

" Then you must be stupid if you think that way! you nearly killed me just because of unfair assumption? ", sarcasm is visible in Joseph's voice.

" I had assumption that monster was you, but we hadn't seen you transformed into a monster, and seeing how weak you are yesterday I had come to my senses and admit my mistake, he must be someone else and I will surely find it out sooner than you know ", the leader warned.

" Then I guess I'll bet for it ,if you found it out in my home ! ";, Joseph said insolently.

" Then the challenged accepted! if I can't find it here I'll look for it outside of your home but within your family members ", the robber said and off they go without hurting him. But when he wakes up in the morning, a more shocking revelation had enraged him more when he saw all three of his dogs are lying lifeless on the ground because of a gunshot wound.

" What? they had visited you again? what are those criminals wanted from you?", Karen ask angrily.

" They said they wanted that monster who had saved the childrens " , Joseph told his wife.

" How hateful are those criminals , then why are they keep on pesterng you? ", Karen asked.

" They thought that monster was me, and they want my bank account ", Joseph said.

" Then it's good that we bring it, and bring the children to safety how do they assume it was you? ",, Karen wanted to know.

" Because they said among the many hostages only the childrens had been saved,",

Joseph replied.

" It is because they are the most threatened at that time! imagine a baby being threatened to be tossed in the air, what will happened to the child when he reach the floor? are they nuts?" Karen reasoned.

" He said he will find out who he is sooner than we know! ", Joseph said.

" Then that's a threat never to be ignore ", Karen said.

" Yes , always on the look out, as for now he must already know where you are so be vigilant and look around if there are strangers observing you from afar ", Joseph said.

" Did they hurt you again? ", Karen asked.

" ; No! they left me unharmed", Joseph said.

" I'm so glad to hear that, then be careful also, I had no idea how they can go in and out of our house unnotice by our dogs ", Karen asked.

" Hahhh! The sad thing is, all three of them were dead now ", Joseph told his wife in a light manner.

" Whattt?? oh my gosh, I can't beleive it, I really,really hate them! ", Karen reacted in the way he assume it.

" Yes, I hate them too, luckily you are already hidden in a safe place before they did it, at least the kids did not witness the violence they did!", Joseph said.

" But I don't know how to relay this news to our kids, they'll surely be heartbroken by this news", Karen told him.

" Yes, this is a very sad news for them, I'm glad that I am spared from breaking the news to them ", Joseph said.

" I hate you for that thought honey, that means the awful news was left to me to tell them!", Karen reacted said wildly, though not so violently.

" Then break it to them gently, you're good at that ", Joseph instructed.

" Then wish me luck!", Karen replied.

" I wish you good luck!", Joseph agreed.

Karen don't know how to tell her children specially Kate who is the one who wakes up early in the morning to feed the dog , and they even argue because she brush the dogs fur after bathing them, than comb her own hair, she do not allow her to come near Maggy and kiss her younger sister unless she had rtaken a bath.

" I really love it when you cook calderetta mama, if Our dogs were here, I will surely feed them with this", Kate said.

" I'm glad you love it!", Karen gently said.

" When will papa transfer them here? I miss them already!", Kate said.

" Honey, I have something to tell you ", Karen close her eyes for a second and said a short prayer to help her how to divulge the sad news. Kate and Prince eyes were fix on her as they wait for next words.

" What is it ma?", Kate ask as Karen take a deep breath.

" Hahh! I have bad news for you about our pets, all of them will no longer with us ", Karen don't know how to divulge the news that her children will not be hurt.

" What do you mean by no longer with us ma? you had given them to somebody else? or some family had adopted them already?", Prince ask wondering.

" No son, as they are already dead!", Karen said straightly. She don't want to lie to her children no matter how painful the news is, they had the right to know the truth.

" What? you must be joking mom! of course that's not true! they were very healthy before we leave", Kate said, but she know her mother was serious.

" Yes, some people gunned down them because they bark a lot", Karen explained.