Chapter 20 : * The Case Trial *

Prince and the mom of Pete were still in heated argument when the police force arrive and pick up Pete who is unconscious and lying in the floor and they brought him to the hospital .. Joseph and Karen also arrive with Maggy, and they were crying in happiness when they saw Kate was safe but also of pity because of the bruises she got from Pete cruelty.

" Oh my baby, we will send to jail that Peter who hurt you I swear!", Karen tears continue to flow down her face when she hug Kate tightly .Her heart seems broken into pieces when she saw the bruises in her face, hands and other parts of the body.The evidence or the marks hat she was tied with a rope was still visible in her hands .

" Mama! ... I miss you so much and Maggy and papa, though I never doubted that Prince will save me, it did cross my mind that I might never saw you again! ", for the first time since her abduction tears roll down Kate eyes when she hug her mother and kiss her younger sister Maggy .

" Let me take a look at your hands, I''m so sorry honey, we came late! if we'd only known where that pervert brought you we had come sooner!", Karen said while kissing her daughter face, the marks on her hands it seems by doing so will minimize the pain she had gone through.

" I know mama, I know!", Kate even with tears in her eyes smiled. Whatever hardship she had gone through in the hands of Pete , she never cried because all she felt was hatred and reimagining how she will do her revenge when she'd gain her freedom, but seeing that man lying in the floor unconscious right now is enough, admittedly it did cross her mind that there's a chance that she'lll never see her family again, and thats what she dreaded most, and what made her cry. She's very sensitive when it comes to her family .

Pete suffered bone fractures and he had undergone surgery that put steel in some parts of his body to be able to walk again, When Pete recover from his injury and release from the hospital, he was directly brought to jail to wait for trial of the cases filed against him by Kate parents. The couple formally filed a case against Peter Enriq and his mother who had depended her son inspite of the strong evidence against him.The court find Peter to be a dangerous man to be allowed outside of jail.

" I am so proud of you son, how d'you know where Kate was located? ", Karen ask her son one evening while the family are eating dinner together.

" I have friends who helped me mama! ", Prince admitted.

" Really? can you invite those friends here at home so I can thank them personally?", Karen requested.

" I will tell them ma, when they will be free to see us! ", Prince told his mom, right now he do not have intention to tell about his friends secret for sure they'll understand but not yet the right time to reveal his friends.

" I found it a bit impossible for you to trace Kate which is miles away from our home!, but I'm so proud of you son that was a good job "; Joseph said.

" Yes ,I know papa, I have develop a super snipping nose, that I can smelll even in a distance ha, ha,ha, no kidding papa , but my friends are superb and they are willing to help us without expecting anything in return ", Prince agreed

" Wow! that's great! you must keep such friends son! ", Karen told Prince.

" Are you okay Kate? ", Joseph ask his daughter with sympathy when he saw her just listening while they talk.

" Yes papa, I had never doubt that Prince will find and save me! " , Kate said. After that unfortunate event Karen always drive Kate in going to school and fetch her after school with Maggy..

She don't want that any of such incident will happened again to Kate, Kate hadn't shown any mental or emotional changes because of what she experience in the hand of Peter Enriq, Karen and Joseph had been very proud of their girl emotional strength, her resolved hadn't been swayed by that bad experience,.

" She's a very courageous girl , the abduction did not change her, it deliberately had no effect on her ", in Joseph opinion.

" Right! if that happened to other girls of her age I'm sure they will be emotionally affected, but look! Kate is the same happy and witty kid as she had been before !", Karen agreed.

" Our childrens are exceptionally strong both in physical and mental as well as in emotional aspect "; Joseph said.

" Yes! the psychologist said, that is because our love for her strengthen her emotional well being, just like you! you face and fought cancer with enthusiasm and might , I am so proud of our family honey! ", Karen said.

" We will have a thank you party on sunday, I want you to bring your friends who had help you in finding Kate!", Karen told her son.

" I'll try mama, but I'm not sure if they can come", Prince replied. He was not really sure if they'll come on sunday knowing they have different worlds, he don't know how they spend their sundays.

" Uhmm, guys my mother want to invite you on sunday , we will have a private thank you party at home, and because I told them I had friends who helped me in finding my sister, she want to meet you all personally ", Prince told the triplets as well as the centaurs who had become his close friends after their collaboration in finding Kate.

" Sure we're in! we are excited to attend human parties because we had never attended any before!", the triplets replied.

" We want to attend too, we love parties and dancing and singing", the centaurs said excitedly..

" Thanks guys! my mother will be happy to meet you all ", Prince said with a huge smile on his lips. Karen was excited upon knowing that all of them will come. Prince also tried to invite the goblin and the elfs, but they refuse to come because they don't like noisy parties, but they requested if he can bring them foods to eat, because they know that there are many foods during parties, and of course Prince agreed. When sunday came, many of Joseph employees and friends of the couple had come and attended the party.

They hired a party planner that arrange everything and a caterer for foods.

" Mama, papa, they are my friends in school ", Prince introduced the triplets as well as the centaurs to his parents.

" Yes I had seen you with Prince when he rescue me! ", Kate said when she saw Gerlu at the party.

" Thank you guys! specially to you Gerlu, who had spend time to be with my son when he is looking for his sister", Karen said, while holding Gerlu's hands.

" It's okay ma'am! I know Joseph will do the same if I was the one who needed his help!", Gerlu assured Karen.

" You guys are also very tall, just like my son! are you into sport?", Karen ask.

" We are soccer athlete, there are many tall guys in our school ma'am ! ", the two centaurs replied.

" Yah ! you're right my son is 6 foot two and I think both of you are 6 foot three,right?" ,

Karen said.

" Actually we,'re both 6 foot and four inches tall, " Gustav corrected.

" Wow, young bloods are much taller these days, Joseph is taller than his father at his age !", Karen agreed.

" How are you Kate?", Gerlu ask the young girl standing with her friend Janey beside her mom and her baby sister.

" I'm okay! thanks for your help !", Kate said sincerely.

" It's okay, I'm glad you had recovered so soon from your trauma!", Gerlu told Kate.

" I know that my brother will come to rescue me and I never doubt it", Kate proudly said .

" She had no trauma or whatever!", Prince said laughing

" So glad to hear that", Gerlu said.

" Are you happy to have a hero brother?", Xanna one of the triplets ask.

" Of course, my brother had save us and mama for several times already, he is a very special guy ", Kate proudly said.

" Thanks for all the praises, you brag so much about your brother, I am so honor already", Prince lovingly told his sister .

" You're the best brother ever!", Kate said.

" I' m your only brother, I'll do everything for you and Maggy sweetie!", Prince assured his sister. The attention of everybody had been focus infront when the party planner who is also the host of the party began with the singing of the latest most requested song in the billboards. then the games for the kids their friends and classmates added to the noise..Then the dancing began which the centaur are waiting, both of them are good dancer , they really are party goer.

The triplets are just onlookers who innocently just enjoying the music , when everybody's attention was focus on the party, Prince took a basket of foods to his other new found friends.

" Wow! I love the smell of good foods ", the elf said when they saw the foods.

" Can I have some?", the goblin ask.

" How about me? can I try some of the foods?", the Cafre who had join the commotion.

" Of course all of this foods are for you guys!", Prince answerred. The four began to devour the foods while Prince just happily watching them eat.

" Olay guys! I must go back now! by the way thank you very much for your help", Prince said before he left the four creature.

" I don't have an idea Kroh lives here, I saw you brought them foods!", Gerlu said when Prince turned around and saw him standing nearby.

" Yah! they are good creatures, they really spent a lot of effort in helping me , the elf follow Pete car and bring me where ever my sister was ", Prince told him.

" Yes he told me he go with his own accord to follow because he knows she is your sister, we are talking about that before you came and look for him ", according to Gerlu story.

" I'm glad he did that, if he didn't until now we might still looking for her and she might had been sexually abused by that maniac", Prince angrily retorded when he remember the man while his color begins to change.

" Hey! relax! we're not your enemy, we're your friends! ", amused Gerlu reminded him.

" Sorry, my anger building up everytime I remember that man,how I hate him!", Prince said again he was back to normal.

" I'm just joking! if course I know that your anger is not directed to us!", Gerlu said.

The couple Karen and Joseph filed a case against Peter Enriq and his mother who had depended him inspite of the strong evidence that they have. It had been proven that Kate hadn't been raped by Peter and that was lucky of her but because of the abduction and cruelty he was found guilty, The police had conducted more investigation about the case, they even search the surrounding of the Enriq property and they had found some clothes buried in some area the Enriq owned although no body had been recovered , the clothes were exposed in media and some family came out and claim that those clothes belongst to their daughter who had been declared missing with different years and date, some of them are known to Enriq and some are not.Two of the girls family filed a case against Enriq ,they even had witnesses that Peter was the last one seen with the girls as well as the clothes they wore before they were found missing was the one found in their property . The case had been heard for more than a year until the verdict came that Peter Enriq was found guilty by the court of Nevada and sentence of life imprisonment with no possibility of parole however her mother had granted a sumptous amount of bail .