2 years

2 years had passed.

All his theories are wrong but at least some of them protected his life and helped him maybe a little so it's not totally useless.

Jomel looks changed his long hair was curly and fluffy.

This indicates that he is living healthy.

He now had a spear of bone, used for some useful stuff that never requires his sword.

He still couldn't get the target place he can find.

There's a lot of dangerous beasts and places.

He has been training a lot especially his precognition ability.

He also found out that he can cover his sword and make it sharper during combat form.

The sword would look like the feather wings of his Soul-Beast.

Plus when he is poisoned on his human form because some random Venom-Type creature attacked him, that would be erased once he used a combat form.

His Combat form is Metal-Type Soul-Beasts who had a strong physique that is immune to Poisons.

All poisons and venoms-type moves.

But he is alone.

Jomel knew that loneliness can be damaging to both his mental and physical health.

Socially isolated people are less able to deal with stressful situations.

They're also more likely to feel depressed and may have problems processing information.

This in turn can lead to difficulties with decision-making and memory storage and recall.

He couldn't find any intelligent creatures to talk to.

Lucky enough he is committed to his path.

He is determined and keeps reminding himself that he is brave.

Loneliness won't affect him much.

People placed in isolation may also experience hallucinations.

The lack of stimuli causes people to misattribute internal thoughts and feelings as occurring in the outer environment.

Essentially, hallucinations happen because of a lack of brain stimulation.

But this is wild, he needs to stay alert and fight for his life.

He learned that in the wild those soul beasts who can sneak attack wins.

For example, a moose like Soul-Beast who was a Plat-Type creature was beaten and eaten by an Earth monster Soul-Beast who can use poison from his fang, which makes it very effective to the Moose like Soul-Beast.

He had been into many sneak attacks if it were not for his Precognition ability and then he'd most likely be dead by now.

He wonders what happened now to those people who are with him.

To Jomel one of the best things about being in the wilderness is getting away from the rush of cities and everyday life.

But now it is eating him alive, loneliness is so lonely.

Yes, he may talk to his beasts but they are not people.

He even tried to wake up his two beasts but to no avail.

They are ignoring him or just that they are just so busy sleeping.

Since he got nothing to do.

Jomel noted down all the information that he observed on being alone in the wilderness of this Realm.

One of the biggest challenges of being in the wilderness is that Jomel far away from the conveniences of cities and everyday life.

That's why it's critical to Be Prepared for a variety of things that could go wrong.

Jomel can never fully eliminate all risk, but by understanding it, preparing for it, and knowing how to respond to it, he can and he did venture the continent knowing he is ready to face whatever challenges might await him.

Here are the things that Jomel knows about wilderness hazards that he experienced in the past two years in this realm.

There are lots of outdoor activities that take place in conditions where heat or cold can be a hazard sometimes on the same trip.

Ever-changing temperature.

Travel during a warm day can turn very cold in the evening or as he climbs to higher altitudes.

For the first time that he suffered a lot.

He thought that using only his Will Energy he can endure such heat and all other troubles of climate even sickness.

But he was roasted on daylight on his first travel, luckily he wasn't eaten alive by some Wandering beasts for there is none.

And the second hews being frozen like a sculpture while sleeping.

Lucky enough his beast Voltury is a Metal-Tye of Soul-Beast.

He resisted it when he used his combat form.

But the experience made an impact on him.

Just imagine being a cold metal.

It's very uncomfortable and if an accident happens it is very dangerous.

Next thing he did to solve that crisis is...

Plan so he can dress appropriately.

In the heat, he would wear loose clothing so your sweat can evaporate.

He killed a lot of Soul-Beast along the way while training his precognition ability.

He took all the dewlap he can and combined it as Clothes.

A dewlap is a flap of skin that hangs beneath the neck of many animals.

It can also be used to mean other things such as a double chin on a person or the vocal sac of a frog.

The term dewlap can also be used to mean a caruncle, defined as "a small, fleshy excrescence that is a normal part of an animal's anatomy".

At times the appearance of a dewlap indicates a stage in an animal's development.

For example, the appearance of a dewlap on a female Soul-Beast rabbit indicates she is of breeding age.

Those dewlaps are mostly from Lizard like Soul-Beast who annoyed him.

For him, they are very much easy to kill for his Type-Advantage.

Most of them are venomous or ground, which he had immunity when he Uses combat form.

In the cold, wear layers so you can add and remove clothing as needed.

Jomel didn't throw all the fur he can get from his hunt of Soul-Beasts.

He even made a bag made out of it.

In order, to carry things he usually threw along the way like meat and some grassy stuff to clean his teeth.

In water, he didn't carry those things, that's easy access here on a tropical forest.

Even if it's poisonous he didn't care he is immune to poisoned anyway.

Jomel found out that the smoothest fur he can get is from a chinchilla like Soul-Beast.

Their fur is the best for cold weather for him.

They look like a combination of a rabbit, rat, and squirrel.

But he is not fond of cure things especially this little one can send a thousand wind blades.

They are unusually fast and if he doesn't have a precognition ability that can calculate and predict movements, he better not hope on catching it.

In both situations, he always keeps an eye on his surroundings and drinks enough fluids so his urine remains very light yellow.

Why it needs to be yellow..?

Urine naturally carries a yellow pigment.

When he is staying hydrated, he noticed that his urine will be a light yellow, close-to-clear color.

If he is getting dehydrated, he will notice that his urine is becoming a deep amber or even light brown.

Different pigments in the food he eats or medication that he takes can be carried through his digestive tract and change the color of his urine.

But jomel didn't know or care about that.

He just felt good whenever his urine is light yellow in color.

Second next to ever-changing temperature are rivers and swaps or for short, wetlands.

These places are the places he tried to avoid in the past.

But sometimes he will have no choice but to cross it.

Crossing streams is always serious business especially in this world teeming with unknown creatures.

Whenever he tried to cross, he plans and takes time to size up the situation before he crosses.

Jomel observed that the best location to cross might very well be where the water is calm, even if the river or stream is wider at that point.

After choosing where he is going to cross, he always looks downstream to see where he could end up if he falls.

Water that is higher than knee-deep can sweep him away if it's moving quickly.

But those things are not much of a danger to him.

His combat form can fly by kicking the air or the wind.

But he is just Some Random tamer they would probably be dead.

Next to swamps are one of the hazards that Jomel hated the most.

Heavy rains can turn a small creek into a raging river in a matter of minutes.

This frequent and one of the reasons he hated this rain.

The result can be dangerous conditions miles downstream, and miles away from where it actually rained.

When traveling where flash floods are possible, Jomel was always on the lookout for routes he uses to reach the safety of the higher ground.

Always pitch your tent above the high-water marks of past floods.

One day was caught in a flood, he floated on the back with his feet aimed downstream.

He used his feet to push off boulders and other obstacles, and use the arms to steer himself toward calmer water.

Because of these things Jomel favorite thing place is the tree.

Because on swap despite the danger of the place, there's always Soul-Beast ganging upon him.