Am I beautiful?

Jomel is well equipped!

He looked at his new sword on his right.

The sword is Perfect for long-range as well as close-quarter attacks, this sword is shaped like a beak as the tip of these swords are curved downward, similar to Kukris of the Gurkhas.

This sword is more like a Ginuntings of the Philippines, Ginuntings are the official swords of the Philippine Marines.

Basically, with its downward curving blade, like grunting, this is a perfect tool/weapon to use in close encounters in addition to securing the movement through the thick jungles in the wild.

The steel used to make this sword-like grunting is thick and this makes it sturdy and durable.

Jomel is sure that this is sharp enough to cut wood for fire and for scaring away enemies and it's also light and versatile.

At the same time, the handle is super comfortable to use and this makes it the perfect and most versatile weapon for him ever.