Tortured TaoTierus

Motus look at his palm and then...




The retractable claws were exposed, he tried to retract it then exposed it again, it shrivels with a slinging sound.

Every single one of his claws is so sharp like a sword, and its color was so intimidating a pitch dark red.

With a second thought, Motus then proceeded to attack the unprotected TaoTierus!

His eyes are flashing with red light and his expression is full of delight!


He made a deep cut on TaoTierus who was forced to fight back! but all his attacks are useless.

Only the physical contact he'd hope on hurting TaoTierus but that too is useless because the difference is quite big.

The important thing is that he can do some damage, so TaoTierus proceeded to fight back with all his might!

But the slashes are so deep...