
Jomel felt very excited and amazed at this beast statistics, the range attacks, range defense, and melee combat defense are amazing, but moves like Crunchyroll are useless to him because he already has precognition ability which makes it more powerful.

This precognition can evade any attacks, even the illusion are useless because he can evade it too using this ability. So he is not that impressed with the Crunchyroll move, plus he is not a fan of rolling to the ground to release some earth dust to the surrounding area.

The only move that impressed him is the Vengeance Blast, it is also using a basic type of energy, so he can imbue it with motus imbued moves.

He also noticed when he tamed his beast, he can use the strongest-bone hidden ability of Motus, much to his liking, earlier he is having a problem where he is going to take the ability that can resist one-hit K.O moves.