

Level 56

Draconic Type and poison.

Stone Dragon.

Bouldragon always basks in the sun to regulate its body temperature. If its body temperature falls to the cooling point, Bouldragon will remain motionless. Its head is as hard as a rock. 

Bouldragon is extremely vicious and cunning, waiting inside cavern tunnels dug by smaller soul-beast for digging for prey to pass by. It also takes up residence in empty dens, claiming them as in turf.

They are said to be able to turn anyone frozen, due to fear that they will experience by encountering these beasts. If ever the prey or that frozen individual could move, their close combat attacks would be lowered by one-fourth of their normal firepower.

Their prey is usually any type of creature, not including the frozen or frost type, that has icy will energy inside their bodies, if ever they killed and devour one, they would die due to their blood would be frozen to death.