Tremor vs Teleport

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Scary." Jomel is watching the fight between the two, he couldn't understand himself, it's like he is being hyped by the fight between the two and, he felt he is scared just by the impact of the fight.

How so-called Vann uses his teleportation ability is extremely exceptional and his reaction to the tremor and vibration is so flawless.

One time he would hit the vibration monster on the side. The monster would predict that he will teleport at the back but it is actually on the top of its head.

This, it's like his spear, is a portable instant teleportation device where he could teleport whenever he wanted to.

"Come on! Strengthen your hit.!

The monster, however, was in scathe to the attacks that are hitting him that makes like a tank that was being hit by countless sharp winds harder to penetrate.

Jomel conjectures that this beast had an outstanding physical body compared to the morphers.