Mantis versus Houseflies

"I'm surrounded."

On his mantis body, Jomel is looking at his surrounding. He is not scared or anything, it just felt like these monsters that he faced need to observe first.

However, they are a hell of united and cunning. They cut off all his escape routes that even using his Ultimate Precognition, he would have a hard time getting out.

"Let me test all your strengths."

Contrary to the expectation, he never really plan on escaping. Earlier, he already made a significant route to go to this place. Because he plans to let his main body come here if he ever found out some cool monsters to tame.

Now, he plans to test if this bug beast race is as qualified and perfect as his choosing.


Jomel bug beast aura in a body of a bug beast mantis he is controlling exploded like a rumbling volcano. But the incoming bug beasts are not deterred and scared to attack him as their speed is not even lowered and instead, it is getting faster.