She slid the French doors open and walked into the balcony. Placing her hand on the rail, she closed her eyes and breathed in while enjoying the scent around her and looked up. The sky was bruised with clouds like bunches of deep mauve cotton that stretched as wide as the eyes could see. However, not one of them touched the sun.

Their edges brightened as though someone had taken out a felt pen and drew their outline. Pink and purple seeped into thee spaces between the clouds the sun forked out through every gap it could find. The sight before her was breathtaking and she was happy to be enjoying it. The scene was a beautiful painting that would forever be stored in her memories.

Smiling to herself, she decided to look down to the Sandy banks and towards the western side of her home. The waves crashed against the rocks while part of it was filtered by the sand. The doves took off, clapping their wings in panic or excitement for they would land back in the position they were before that. Someone sat atop the rocks.

He looked at the sunset as well. He was too far for her to make out. The waves came again and I crashed into the rocks. She intended to call out to him but when she looked closer, she found no one. Had it been a dream? Or was it just her imagination? Abandoning the shaky feeling, she decided to occupy her mind with what was before her.

"L-lady Felicity, d-din dinner's r-ready."

Her heart was delighted when she heard her name being called out. She turned and jumped at the young lady who called out to her. Startled, she let out a small scream. She should have been used to this kind of treatment by now but no matter how many times her lady had done this, she was always startled.

Felicity had considered her a friend even though she was nothing more than a servant in everyone else's eyes. Becky was someone she knew she could trust in this empty house she called home. She was the only one who stood by her when her mom left. She was there when she needed her father yet, he did not even show up. All he was concerned about was his political career.

She pulled Becky to the balcony and together they watched the sun finally set. Their relationship was one they kept to themselves as people would always find a way to talk. They made small talk and before they realized it, dark had taken over the sky.

"L-lady F-Felicity. Y-your food."

"I'll only eat it if you eat with me. And didn't I tell u, it's Felicity. Just Felicity."

"Y-yes. Lady F-Felicity." Becky smiled as she enjoyed teasing her lady.

As they left, Felicity saw the man at the rocks again. He was still looking out to the sky. She stopped Becky and asked her who she was. Becky stood frozen as she stared at her lady.

"You-y can s-see him?"

"Of course, I can."

Becky fought against telling her but her seeing him only meant one thing. It was just a matter of time before the curtain rose. And then the games would begin all again. She had served Felicity as far back as she could remember and each time, she had treated her much the same. Her identity was one she swore to keep as the last wishes of her mother. Yet, time had flown so fast that it was about for her to obtain them.

This time she hoped that she would be there for her. The last time, her mother was but now since she left, it was up to her to look out for her lady. Becky was suddenly shaken by someone. When she came to, two beautiful emerald eyes looked into here grey ones. She smiled like a fool and Felicity let out a sigh. Felicity thought she had had too much work around the house to do so she let it smile.

Holding her hand, they went in and had dinner together. While eating they reminisced of their younger days. Their mothers had been best friends and so were they. Felicity's mother had begged Becky's mother to stop working for her but she said she had to repay the debt she owed. Plus, she was very happy when she worked so in the end, Felicity's mum let her work. It had been twelve years since they met and she hoped they would spend many more days together

"One should never trust any human being." Becky muttered.

"What does that mean?"


Felicity tapped her shoulder and asked again what she meant. Becky thought for a while. The look on her face told Felicity of how tired she was but she was sure that what she had just said was of importance. The reason was quite simple. Becky might have never realized it but, whenever she said something important, she never stammered. So it had to be important and Felicity had to know the reason why.

"Oh… it's n-nothing."

The room became silent and awkward. The atmosphere became cold but the mood was still warm. Becky wanted to speak but she felt it. A cold presence watching them. She broke in a cold sweat and her eyes looked at the balcony. And it was there, a black shadow of a man. His physique was the same as the one who had been sitting on the rock. She smiled because she knew who he was and his purpose. He might not have been Her enemy, but they were.

He was swallowed by the shadows of the night. Becky let out a laugh. Felicity thought she had finally lost her marbles and looked at her more concerned. This made Becky laugh louder and before long, Felicity caught onto what she was doing. She pouted and looked away but soon enough, the mood went back to what it had been.

If only she could say more, Becky would have warned of what awaited her that night. Her heart ached as she thought of what was to befall her lady. She had also hoped that they would be together forever but, as fate had it, this was their last.

Felicity was in such high moods that she did not get to see the broken pieces in her best friend's eyes. Her world was filled with flowers as they ate together. She couldn't ask for more. After they were done, Becky picked up the utensils and left. Felicity escorted her to the door and watched as she left. When the door closed, the light that had radiated in her room was forcefully shut. All that remained, was darkness.