"Becca, aren't you tired? You just handled the initiation party, and it's not even finished yet. Besides, look at the weather. Aren't you going to consider that downpour? Not the best time to drive one hundred miles, right? Not to mention you are obviously tipsy. Oh, come on, miss president. I will never allow you to drive, not in this condition, not at this hour, and never with that kind of weather. No doubt, the roads are slippery," Madie was never tired of preachifying Becca while tailing her, who was busy packing a few of her stuff. They were inside her room in that sorority house. 

"Madie, I will be fine, don't worry about me, okay? I just really need to go home, it's my sister's wedding. She will never forgive me if I don't show up on her special day." Becca, Zipped her bag and pulled it up.

"If only I'm not as tipsy as you, I will drive you there. But because you insist on going, then, just travel by morning, just not now, please..." Madie seriously begged Becca. She was terribly worried about her best friend, who at the same time was the Delta Zeta Xi Sorority president.

"I can't do that; the wedding ceremony will be held by sunrise since it's a beach wedding," Becca sighed as so as Madie.

"So what can I do now?" Madie's shoulders fell after she realized that there was no way for her to stop Becca from driving herself home at that moment.

"There's none Madie, and I got to go," Becca sent Madie a weak smile as her friend frowned in worry.

Madie flopped down on the bed, seemingly exhausted from giving such a long speech to her best friend, Becca. She quit trying to follow Becca anymore, even though she's terribly worried for her to travel at that certain moment, yet, they didn't have any choice.

Becca took the kitchen door of the sorority house so, not to disturb the ongoing party, at the same time, since it was also the nearest exit to where she parked her car. Although, she still had to walk around twenty meters away from the house. She looked up and twitched as sprinkles of rain drizzled over her.

She zipped her coat and covered her head with her hoody before she pulled her suitcase and huddled herself while running to her car. She took the key from her pocket as fast as possible since she tried to avoid herself getting totally drenched with the rain. However, the key fell to the wet, cemented floor of the parking lot. 

"Damn," she murmured, she picked up the car key that was submerged with the half-inch water overflowed from parking lot drainage while the rain continued splattering on it. She noticed a few mud stains on the gap of her car door, but she didn't bother to check on it since the rain was about to soak her. 

She inserted her key into the car trunk keyhole and twisted it to open the trunk as fast she could. Then as soon as she dumped her bag inside the trunk. She ran to the driver's door and got in.

She ignited the engine when someone pounded over the window startling her.

"M-M-Miss, d-d-do you w-w-want me t-t-to open the -g-g-gate?" The stammering man, with a thin, wrinkly face, white scattered and freezy, wet hair and eyebrow, curved nose, and thin shivering lips of the new and mentally incapacitated janitor startled her to death. His lower lips kept on twitching together, with his head jerked uncontrollably.

Her eyes widened and were in a daze while she stared at his protruding eyes. She breathed out and calmed herself before answering him. "Yes, please and thank you." She rolled her eyes when he's no longer looking, she breathed out for the second time.

However, the janitor didn't walk straight to the gate. He ambled around the car and peered over inside it, to the backseat specifically, before he looked at her again with a more raised eyebrow.  Expressing aghast in his expression. Then, he meandered towards the gate while glancing back again and again towards Becca.

"Ugh, creepy," Becca shook her head and grunted while she pushed the gear to first and stepped on the accelerator. She was halfway to the gate when the mentally ill janitor waved his hand to stop her. She kicked on the brake just right in front of the janitor that was blocking her way.

"M-m-miss, d-d-they can-not be o-o-open," he shook his head while he stammered.

'Why?" Becca opened her car window and yelled, she had to make sure that he could hear her voice behind the banging thunder and the wheezes of the lightning.

The janitor ran unsteadily towards her window, abruptly pulled the lock to open the car door, and pulled Becca out of her car.

Becca's hearth raised to her mouth and screamed, but she couldn't take over the reverberating sound of the thunder and the flashiness of the lightning. Since they were in the midst of the vast ground of the university in the middle of the night, for sure, there will be no single living soul around that could witness what happened to her and could help her.

She pulled her hand with all her strength, tried her best to liberate herself from the janitor's grasp, who was also using all his strength to pull her away from her car. At the same time, trying hard to yell with his incomplete words.

The janitor was weaker, he couldn't even walk nor stand well, and it was easier for Becca to liberate herself from the janitor and as soon as she had. She ran hastily back to her car and pulled the gear straight to second, and pressed the accelerator in full. Her car dashed off, faster than the storm.

"D-d-there's s-s-someone i-i-inside yo-your ca-a-ar!" The janitor screamed, with his worried and terrified face.

However, all were still meaningless. Becca couldn't hear it anymore, since aside from the sound of the rain overpowering it, she had already drove away to the gate.

She gasped for air and took a series of inhaling and exhale to calm herself. She couldn't believe what happened. Although that creepy janitor was new on the campus, she still couldn't believe that he can do some heinous crime. Even though, what he did truly terrified Becca.

She looked back at him through the rear mirror, but something was blocking the view, or rather, someone. 

A man or maybe not. 

In a moment, Becca lost her breath after she saw a pair of sparking fangs and round white eyes with a streak of red nerves spreading around the almost purple iris.

She screamed, and the expectation of a high-pitched shout was suddenly voiceless.  And before she knew it, the man thrusts her head and shoulder, cleared her neck, and snapped on it.