The five of them are seated in the midst of all the sorority girls that had already called themselves sisters. They can actually easily be distinguished since they were wearing crop tops exposing the tattoo in their side abdomen.

Dennise felt more relaxed, and she never thought that burying the hatchet with Yden was a big help to calm herself, and she was more than ready to face whatever challenge they are about to face today.

She breathed out and smiled when the MI began to speak.

Before putting her full concentration to one speaking, she glanced back at her friends. She wanted to know how they were feeling too.

But, with the same smile she shared with them, she was assured that everyone was not that nervous as they used to be in the last initiation. They had already proven it before that there will be no such thing that will be hard for them if they have to do it together.

"Girls, since it was just the five of you who had survived in the last initiation. Our hazing tonight will be done individually. We just want to inform you that this hazing will be a test of pain."

"You mean you will be doing something that would hurt us physically," Zara asked, and right after she blurted her question, she looked over Ella. She remembered how scared Ella was in joining the sorority because of something like this.

Ella was scared; indeed, her throat waved as she gulped over her fears.

"Pain! Is the word, and if you think it would be unbearable for you and you want to quit, you can surely do it at this exact moment." The MI looked at Zara, thinking that she was scared before she proceeded after none of the applicants reacted to what she said.

The rest of the initiator girls started blindfolding them with the big hankies.

Ella's heart pumped unexplainably as it was about to jump out of her chest. Although it's not new to her, she did feel the same even at the first initiation, in fact, even the day she signed the application form to join the sorority.

On being as strong and fearful as she always had been, Dennise didn't get that jitters that Ella felt. She's not worried about pain; having a strict brother, in fact, stricter than her parents as far as she had remembered, she knows she can endure any physical pain.

The only thing she was worried about were the scars. She was hoping that whatever they would do to them. That may hopefully it won't be something that could damage the skin she had been taking care of her entire life.

With their eyes already blindfolded, Dennise felt someone holding her, guiding her to move somewhere. She can also perceive that they are doing the same to her other friends with her ears as she heard their footsteps going somewhere. But it seems that they will be placed in different places or rooms with different groups of initiators.

She heard that they seemed to be going away from the other footsteps.

The next thing she discerned was the opening and closing of the door. With that, she knew and was quite sure that they brought her in one of the bedrooms after they pushed her towards the soft bed with her tummy's side on it.

"Not yet, you dumb. Three paddles first."

Dennise unwittingly looked to the side as the cold sweat started to flow down her forehead right after she heard one of the initiators say it.

'Paddle, that was expected, and I can handle that. It was just like what my brother did to me every time. I failed his expectations.' She thought, trying to console herself.

Soon after, two girls pulled her back up and let her stand somewhere. She knew that all of them were standing just behind her, getting ready to beat with something, a boat paddle probably, since they had mentioned it.

She took a deep breath, controlling the pumping of her heart. She allowed her mind to fly somewhere else, thinking that it might help her ignore the possible pain she was about to take.

She began to think back to her fantasy-filled days with her mom. Her mom loved her so much, and she was her doll. Dennise's mom always made sure that she was pretty enough, in fact, prettier than her classmates every time she went to school.

She was her princess, and sometimes she can even think that maybe her brother was jealous of her ever since she knew that she was her mom's favorite. None of the things that she liked that her mom never bought for her. She always got the cutest and most expensive bag in her class and the prettiest dress during her Christmas party.

Although she was also aware that her brother was craving for her mom's care, yet her mom's attention was not enough for the two of them. She only and always heard her say to him, 'You can do it, son, you're big enough for that.'

Dennise never thought that there was something wrong with that, not until the moment that her parents both died in a plane crash while they were traveling for business with their private chopper.

Dennise bringing herself back to the memory lane took her out of feeling the physical pain brought by every slamming of the paddle to her hind thigh. The emotion she felt with the memories of losing her parents was more painful than a hundred hits of the paddle.

All she could feel or rather say, she had considered feeling was when her body wobbled to the front every time the flat wood touched her hind thigh and pushed her hard. She even had lost count of the number of times, until it brought her down to her knees.

It wasn't enough and it didn't end that way. They pulled her back after that and took her dress off since she's not fond of wearing undergarments she was once again left nude and blindfolded.