"That hurts! Stop doing that!" She cried out as Zandro lifted her from the ground with full force and tight grip.

"Stop doing what?" Zandro said, confused by her statement.

"Hurt me!" Zara said. She was crying, but Zandro found the chance to ask her once again.

"I will, but first, you have to tell me who you are and why were you in my house." He said.

Zara was already crying as she was trying to explain herself.

"I am sorry! I am sorry!" She said. "I wasn't supposed to go in here. I was just following you, and I didn't mean to trespass. I was just curious!" She can't stop crying.

Zandro was surprised. He wasn't expecting such a reaction from the girl. He thought that maybe the girl could be a stalker. He was a bit startled and even curious about what she was going to say.

"I am just a fan! Please believe me!" Zara begged. "I am a fan!"

Zandro suddenly felt like someone dropped a big rock on his heart. He thought he was being stalked, but this girl was just a fan, and she wasn't even supposed to be there. He was wrong to assume that the girl came with bad intentions.

It was his fault for being so paranoid.

That big rock on his heart was replaced with a heavy feeling of guilt. He had accused her of being a stalker, and he even tried to hurt her. He was feeling guilty for what he did.

"I am sorry," Zandro said. "You are right. You weren't supposed to be here. I will let you go, but first, tell me your name and who you are. Besides, you got wounds on your knees and arms that need to be tended? I will let you go, but first, we need to get you some help. I am sorry. However, the problem is this place was quite out of the beaten track and not much community. Not to mention it's nighttime, and it's impossible to find some open clinic around that was still open." Zandro stood there thinking for a while.

While Zara, on the other hand, was dazed by how Zandro was treating her. He surely didn't recognize her but the way she treated a fan that can also be a stalker, if truth be told, was unexpected.

He was really concerned for her wounds, and that he even apologized for what he did to her. This was the first time Zara ever got a celebrity to be this gentle and friendly, but she already knew that he always was since that day she first met her in the orphanage many years ago when they are both kids and innocent.

When Zara was about to speak, a sudden lightning strike, followed by a rumble of thunder and heavy rain poured in. Zara was already soaked with her clothes before Zandro had thought of pulling her back inside the house by that time.

Zara followed Zandro as he was leading her back into the house. The floor is wet as well as the tiled floor on their veranda makes it slippery. Then, just before she could step inside, she felt like she was pushed and stumbled.

Zandro immediately caught her as Zara felt the same cold hand that she felt before. She knew who it was, the same boy that held her tight to balance them both while standing together in that piece of paper during that paper game. The one that she had to tell him that it was her, the girl that he would and might remember.

But before she could spurt that information to Zandro, some part of her doubted if he would believe her, and because of that, she had decided to let this moment slip. It's not time for him to know. Well, probably he didn't remember her anyway. It was just one day, not even full of the exciting things that happened to his life; it was quite impossible for Zandro to remember that exact day.

"You're so wet. You need to take that clothes off," Zandro said as Zara was holding her arms and shivering.

"I am cold!" Zara said, and when she was about to go back outside, Zandro stopped her.

"No, don't go out there anymore. You'll get sick. I will just bring you to the bus stop tomorrow. For now, you'd rather stay here and just take it off. I have some extra dry shirts you can use."

Zara was startled to hear the words, and she was immediately blushing.

"What? No! I can't!" Zara said as she was already feeling embarrassed about it.

"Why not?" Zara didn't answer.

"Do you want a shirt or not?" He asked. Zara couldn't answer him.

"Alright, suit yourself. You'll catch a cold like this." He said, but then he looked at her again. "Are you shivering because you're cold or because you are afraid to take off your clothes?" Zara still didn't answer, but this time Zandro can't help but smile.

"Come on. I won't even bite you." He said as he led her to the room. Zara didn't know what to do, but she followed him, and this time, she did as Zandro told her.

"Here, take this one." He said as he handed her a gray shirt that was a little bit big. Zara shivered more with the scent of Zandro that got through her nostrils, and she couldn't help but close her eyes and feel it. She imagined herself like he was about to hug her like she was about to wear him. However, before she can even think of immersing herself in the thought, she squeezed herself to wake up.

"Thank you," Zara said.

"You're welcome," Zandro replied. "Now come on, I will help you with those wounds. They might get infected if you won't at least clean them."

Any response that Zara can give will just make the whole situation awkward. Instead, she just followed Zandro and went to the bathroom, where he had prepared everything that they needed for Zara's wounds.