Zara accepted the situation between Dennise and Zandro. She couldn't blame Dennise for trying to do her dare, nor could she blame Zandro for helping her. If she would get furious over it, that meant she gave what the sorority wanted. They obviously aimed to break their friendship.

She knew that they should not get affected by whatever the sorority threw at them. She believed that they were stronger than each other. What happened with Dennise and Zandro was none of their faults. Maybe, they even didn't want to do it, and they just had to. 

Zara closed her eyes, the sounds of their voices. Their moans and groans came back to her consciousness, made her doubt. When will these thoughts disappear?

But, she shook her head vigorously, 'This is what the sorority wanted, for them, going berserk. Fight each other, kill each other, and totally lose each other. But they were wrong, coz' we will fight against it. We must have to control our emotions.'