The knocking sound of her door gave Zara a different feeling now. She had been sighing for hearing it again as soon as she had the dream. That moment on, she had been decided, and things got clearer than ever on what she was supposed to do. 

Dreaming of her child talking to her helped a great deal of her decision. 

She opened the door, and as expected, she was facing the same familiar face again. 

"So what now? Do you need me to help you with your decision?" The MI smirked.

"You don't need to, I have decided." Zara vigorously spoke.

"Oh, then it's good to hear. I hope you used your head in that decision. So… What do you want to do?"

Zara closed her eyes, and devastation spread over her face. She sighed before she looked back at her with complete determination. "I had decided to sacrifice my baby for Zandro."

The MI smirked and looked pleased with what Zara showed to her.