The lighting was quite enough for her to see the girl who bit over the man's neck, and the crimson blood dripped out from it, streaking down to his shirt. It only took a moment, and he suddenly went limp, his knees folded about to flop down. He would have been if she wasn't just holding him. 

'But that man was obviously bigger than her. How could she easily steadied him just simply with her hands when he truly looked so limped. His feet were even twisted with each other. He looked lifeless.' Yden wondered. 

Yden was still rooted on the spot when the girl looked up and stared at her. She opened her mouth and growled, exposing her red-stained fangs and as well her entire mouth with blood dripping down until it reached on her pink, lace tutu skirt. 

'Is she a vampire?' Yden shivered, but she couldn't make herself move, even if she wanted to. Her brain had been screaming to run, but her body got frozen in fear, her feet went numb, and continuously shivering.