The Obelisk: Return (7)

"Are you ready to talk now, Aectaeon?" Ralkias asked as he rose from the ground.

For some reason, lying on the grass made him more exhausted. To save himself from struggling in his next game world, he stood up and began exercising.

Meanwhile, Aectaeon still refused to open his mouth. However, he did join the man and started moving his body. In the middle of their workout, Aectaeon decided to open his mouth.

"Three questions from three players -- meaning that, as a reward, Luluwa allowed us to get ahead of others. I remember receiving a reward upon starting my first game. I thought that was the reward for having my question chosen."

Ralkias completed his second round of push-ups and stood up. Once he was on his feet, he wiped his sweat with his cape that he had thrown on the ground earlier.

"I'm taking that as you've received an ability as a reward as well," Ralkias said while stabilizing his breathing.

"Yes, on the count of three?"

They looked at each other and nodded their heads. Aectaeon then mouthed 'one, two, three'.

"Amoris Versatilis" In unison did they voice out.

Aectaeon ceased from doing his exercise the same way that Ralkias did. He picked himself up from the ground and put his hands on his waist.

"Why are they being so generous with the rewards for mere questions?" Aectaeon asked himself as he scratched his head.

"I haven't the first notion."


The two proceeded to sit back on the ground again. They were both compelled to think about the answer to Aectaeon's question.

In all honesty, an advantage over millions of players was already exuberant of the guides. However, they couldn't find themselves appreciating the big gesture. It was as if an expectation as heavy as their birth worlds were suddenly placed on their shoulders.

But the more probable conclusion would be that the guides were on the watch for them. The moment that they made a sin against the system, they would be apprehended in an instant. The more they were in possession of, the more they would have to lose.

"It now feels repulsive to be in their good graces. It might be that they would want something in exchange for being generous to us?" Ralkias inferred as he leaned back.

Aectaeon was unable to keep himself from concurring with the man's sentiment. His head laggardly moved up and down, contemplating a conclusion of his own.

All things considered, it was too early for them to arrive at a finality. The Obelisk had more mysteries beyond what they could experience, let alone see.

"Our exchange of questions was interrupted. Do you want to resume?"

Aectaeon glanced at Ralkias and nodded his head.

'There's nothing more productive right now than gathering information.' Aectaeon thought, stretching his back afterward.

"Where was I earlier?" Ralkias tried to remember, "Ah, right, it's my turn to answer. Your question was how I figured out you were one of the three. Am I not mistaken?"

"No, go on."

A grin soon appeared on the man's countenance as he replied, "I saw you on this floor, of course. The moment you appeared after clearing the game world, I spotted you. I didn't bother approaching you since you were wounded. You needed time for your injuries to heal after all. I left before you woke up because I had some business to do."

Aectaeon caressed the back of his neck upon hearing the answer. Truth be told, he felt cheated.

With a small frown on his face, he said, "That answer is as simple as it could get. Why did I not think of that? I just wasted one question."

"There, there, we still have time anyway. I might be benevolent enough to answer one of your questions without giving one in return. But right now, please answer mine."

Though adamant, Aectaeon nodded to urge the man to proceed. While he was at it, he noticed that his shirt that was sweaty had dried up. He lifted his collar and checked if there was a smell, but he, once again, smelled as if he had just taken a shower.

"Did you meet an irregularity back in the game world?"

The question sent an electrifying sensation to every nerve endings in Aectaeon's body. He sat there, petrified and wide-eyed.

Ralkias was a witness to Aectaeon's reaction, making him believe that the answer was a yes. He didn't point an issue as to how appalled the man had become.

"Disregard my question. I apologize for being insensi-"

"Yes, I met one. Before it was swallowed by the fire, it was able to tell me its name."

While he was speaking, the look on Aectaeon's eyes gave the impression that irregularity was burning in front of him. It was the only thing in his sight, its hollowed-out mouth and bloodshot eyes.

"Name? It can speak? But their heads were plain spheres of wood or flesh." Ralkias uttered, knitting his eyebrows at Aectaeon's riposte. "When they appeared, I suddenly had the liberty to move about. I managed to kill the two irregularities without much struggle."

At that instant, Aectaeon turned his head and met Ralkias' eyes. The latter was bemused at how empty Aectaeon's gaze had turned into.

"The irregularity that I met, its name was Merlon. It transformed into a human in its last breath."

Aectaeon looked down at his hands. The image of his bloodied hands flashed across his eyes. He could still remember the expression on the irregularity's face as it dropped to its final moments.

Ralkias, on the other hand, kept his silence. He noticed that Aectaeon's shoulder was quivering, so he let him be. Comforting people was an ability that he had yet to develop. He then gazed at the sky, wondering how such a blue color could exist.

Back in his world, Ralkias' birthplace perpetually had a grey sky. They considered it a miracle whenever they could see the three moons lighting up the darkness. He envied the inhabitants of the world who were gifted such a view.