Game World 2: _ _ _ _ _ _   D E M _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ (13)

{{ Mission }}

{{ Win 100 Battles Before the Time Limit Ends }}

{{ Time Limit: 00 D; 15 H ; 00 M ; 00 S }}

{{ Rewards }}

{{ A: Amoris Versatilis +10 Efficiency }}

{{ B: 5,000,000 Gold Coins }}

{{ Penalties }}

{{ A: 05 D; 12 H ; 00 M ; 00 S will be deducted from 'Return Countdown' }}

{{ B: Inventory Purge }}

Aectaeon had the urge to strangle his hair upon seeing the details of his mission. However, he managed to endure it by biting the inside of his cheek.

'100… 100 battles in 20 hours? Are you kidding me? Is this even doable?' Aectaeon thought as he took a breath, long enough to overthrow his desire of purging the systems, 'Deducting the fixed time of two minutes for choosing the Demons, I'll only have 7 minutes for each battle.'

The man couldn't stop himself from heaving several exasperated sighs in a row.

'In the first place, where am I going to find 100 Meisters who are willing to battle me? Losing is not an option for me since my time is limited.'

As he lifted his head, Aectaeon looked around him. Because of the sudden turn in his mood, Berkeley and the onlookers could only wait for him to commence the battle. For the reason that he was the one to initiate it, the first turn was his to take.

Withal, Aectaeon's mind wasn't on the battle yet. He was thinking of a way that could help him with his mission.

'I'm already in an area where there are a lot of Meisters. There are more than a hundred of them currently here. What should make them think against avoiding me in a battle?

For nearly a minute, it was Aectaeon's silence that resounded heavily in the other Meisters' ears. Every activity was halted due to the spectacle that the man came with.

On the spur of the moment, Aectaeon clapped his hands, albeit only once. He was smirking as he began tapping his foot on the ground.

"Everyone, I have an offer to make."

His voice thundered in the valley, forcing the Meisters and Demons to lend their full attention to him.

"I will give 100,000 Gold Coins for every Meister who agrees to engage me in a battle. In the event that I lose, I will give an additional 10,000,000 Gold Coins."

A month's worth of salary for Demon Hunting, that's what 100,000 Gold Coins was for most of the Meisters who could hear Aectaeon. There's no doubt that they would be attracted to his offer.

Still, they had reservations in accepting. First of all, their records would be tainted by a loss. It would greatly affect their chances of being promoted. And Aectaeon knew just how to get rid of their hesitation.

"I am the protector of this area, Mentor Meister Igor Vali. Battling me will not taint your record. If anything, it will be the highlight."

Igor Vali's name was widespread among the community of Meisters. Though he was the youngest and the most elusive out of all Mentors, his actions opened great opportunities for the lower-ranking Meisters.

He was a celebrity, so to speak.

But not many have been able to see his face. He refused most interviews and appearances, even denying invitations from other Meisters.

Before he knew it, nearly all of the Meisters around him made the decision to accept his offer.

"I'll be announcing the two rules that I will select for all of my battles from this point on. The time limit will be three minutes. If you want to remove the time limit, I will not give you the reward money. Stat Threshold - Demons with HP > 5000 will not be allowed to participate in the battle. Demon Ranks - Kings will not be allowed to participate in the battle."

Aectaeon surveyed the faces of the Meisters. He knew that the rules he chose wouldn't be detrimental to the others. Most Demons owned by lower-ranking Meisters have less than 5000 Health Points. And Demons that have King as a rank were the rarest.

The only problem for them was the time limit. In a battle that was restricted with a time limit, the Meister who received more damage would receive defeat.

Yes, both Demons and Meisters would have HP bars during the battle. These HP Bars would appear above the heads of those involved once the first attack had been made. The determinant for the victor would be based on the total amount of HP that was deducted from all of the existing HP Bars.

Indubitably, the battle would end if one of the Meisters' HP bar was emptied. But if it was a Demons', it would only return to the portal to recuperate.

"Once I'm done with this battle, someone can just take the place opposite of me." The man said, his eyes naturally finding the time limit panel.

{{ Time Limit: 00 D ; 14 H ; 56 M ; 11 S }}

After his lengthy speech, Aectaeon could finally return his focus in his battle with Hano Berkley.

Using his right index finger, Aectaeon activated the 'Skill' command. A frame panel materialized above the device, prompting him to capture the Demon whose skills he wished to view. The man pointed the frame in the direction of Ixshellivarre. Aectaeon scanned the list in a quick manner, stopping at the skill name that he fancied.

He moved on to activate the 'Engage' command as he tapped on the skill. He then uttered, "Ixshellivarre, activate 'Dusk of Eviction'."

{-{ "Activating Dusk of Eviction" }-}

At that very instant, the entire valley was covered in darkness. In the blink of an eye, the darkness became compressed in a palm-sized orb laying on top of the Demon's three horns.

The orb soon emitted bolts of electricity, growing all the while. Once the orb was the size of its head, Ixshellivarre grabbed it. Like a ball, the Demon threw it towards the demon that was in the middle of Hano Berkley's lineup.

Upon making contact with the enemy Demon, the orb devoured its whole body.

But it didn't stop there.

As if it had grown arms, the orb grabbed the two other demons beside it, heartily swallowing them all at once.