Game World 2: _ _ _ _ _ _   D E M _ N _ : _ O _ _ _ _   _ _ _ E _ (69)

{-{ Warrior's Vow Effect Activated }-}

{-{ Kastareith's Soul has been transferred to the Meister's body }-}

{-{ Meister's Soul has been transferred to Kastareith's body }-}

As for who would take control over the battle, it was still Vernos. Rather than the body, it was the consciousness that acted as the Meisters' identity when in a battle. 

{-{ Meister now has access to the Demon's Attacks and Stats upon the activation of the attack }-}

{-{ Vernos Hanom -- Kastareith }-}

{-{ HP : 2998/8475 }-}

{-{ ATK: 522 }-}

{-{ DEF: 357 }-}

{-{ SP: 412 }-}

{-{ INT: 604 }-}

{-{ SPD: 403 }-}