Game World 2: M O B I L E   D E M O N S : F O R E S T   J _ _ E _ (91)

For the duration of the trip, Aectaeon just erased and created his notes in repeat. 

If he kept everything he had written, he would've been able to publish a novel with a second installment in the works. 

Was he having fun writing those notes? No. 

Did he feel fulfilled after having written those notes? Also no. 

He just wrote whatever came to his mind, hoping that the next would be satisfactory enough to stop him from revising. In the end, he settled with a list that somehow checked all of his prerequisites. 

That didn't mean that it satisfied him. He simply wasted his time being picky about his note when it's the least thing that mattered. 

Well, it was in Aectaeon's character to keep notes whenever he couldn't sort his thoughts out. In his bedroom, there was a cabinet filled with more than thirty journals. He started the habit of keeping notes in his childhood. Though the exact date was hazy, it was around when his father died.