The Obelisk: 2nd Return (10)

When the countdown hit the ten minute mark, many players began to feel agitated. 

Their agitation showed through their incessant pacing, quivering gazes and lips, and even the occasional screaming to encourage themselves. 

No, it was more like they're screaming to curse their fate.

Because of that, Aectaeon was having a party trying to hamper his urges to scream back at them. However, he recognized the fact that people would react differently since individuality existed. 

He just wished that they would be more quiet. He was still resting, you know?

Anyway, Aectaeon's eyebrows furrowed deeper for every minute that passed. Ralkias and Moire could only chuckle from how infuriated the man was. Meanwhile, Verolon was just silent, wondering if he could do something to help Aectaeon.