1st Recursion: Hamlin County (24)

"What should we do? We have been roaming this area for quite a while." One of the Sorcerers chuntered, "But we haven't seen a sign of those two Lords being here? Is Lady Gertrude even saying the truth?"

Upon raising such an accusation, the young sorcerer felt someone grab their robe. He hurriedly turned around as he was stopped from walking. 

"Why are you pulling my ro- Oh, I apologize, Meister Parvor." 

The young sorcerer bent their torso forward as low as they could, feeling the intense stare of the man named Parvor. Truth be told, the young sorcerer was older than the Meister, who was the leader of their group, by a year. 

Parvor's appearance was that of an old man by virtue of his adamance to conceal his real self. He didn't utilize a concealment spell but an artefact in the shape of a full-face mask. If he had used a spell, his disguise would have already vanished the instant he entered the Hamlin Estate.