1st Recursion: Hamlin County (29)

"It would be wiser for the Commanders to await the arrival of the Empire's forces. Since you all know the entirety of what the individuals in our group have discovered so far, please make sure that the newcomers will be thoroughly enlightened of what's happening." Ilya announced as she looked at the faces of each other Commanders.

Though they didn't want to agree, Ilya's suggestion was reasonable to an extent. Commander Pecival, who left the meeting briefly, had just returned and handed Ilya a couple of swords.

"Here, you will need these." The Commander said as he perused Ilya's countenance, "I will only agree to your arrangement if you vow to not do anything reckless."

"Doesn't my plan sound reckless already?" 

"You haven't even let me finish my statement, Lady Gertrude."