2nd Recursion: Decision (5)

Though she was celebrated as the most exemplary among the late Count Hamlin's children, Sorsiana wasn't his legitimate daughter. 

And Sorsiana didn't even know herself. 

Contrary to what the society had to say about their resemblance, Sorsiana and the late Count's faces were only similar out of coincidence not because they're blood related. 

Sorsiana Hamlin was a child of the late Count's closest friend, a commoner, and a wandering prostitute. The commoner was conscripted into a war all of a sudden, yet the prostitute didn't want to be tied down by a mere child. 

Because of that, Sorsiana didn't have anywhere to go. 

Out of the kindness of his heart, the late Count of Hamlin decided to accept Sorsiana into their family. The late Countess agreed with the Count by virtue of the difficulties that they'd had in conceiving their own child. 

Thus, that marked the day when Sorsiana the commoner became Sorsiana Hamlin.