2nd Recursion: Hunt (3)

Appearance greatly contributed to how a person was perceived. 

In this case, Ilya's current appearance, which was of a young woman whose eyes were calm and smile that was as cordial as it could be, made the three people from the countryside lower their guard. 

They were thankful that a cityfolk was understanding of their hardships. To be fair, they had put their trust in a cityfolk at least twenty times already. They didn't even care that Ilya looked as if she hadn't washed a single plate in her life. When, in fact, they should be inquisitive if she could do anything. 

After all, what they wanted to be done involved something physical. 

Though her skin wasn't as porcelain as the Nobles, it was pale and untainted. Despite being covered with a cloak, they could judge her figure alone by the slimness of her limbs.