2nd Recursion: Hunt (8)

"I can't just fathom how those barbarians can eat livestock without having them cleaned! They stay true to their names! Barbaric!" 

"Oh, you! How can you not make that connection? That's where they have gotten their names! They act as if civilization hasn't come to this world!"

"I will, in no way, associate with those barbarians. Who knows what kind of dirt they'll put on my dress."

The group of young Noble women surrounding Ophelia was no less than immature with their view of the world. 

Hearing them sputter all these insults gave Ilya the desire to stay away from them. As she saw it, their brains were much too undeveloped to her liking. 

It was as if they were five-year-olds who weren't told about ethics. 

If they were the villains of a novel, for certain, the narrative would be dreary. Young Noble women, who hadn't washed a single plate in their lives, for villains were the ingredients of villains who had no personality.