2nd Recursion: Hunt (17)

Severio, Heller, and Bard immediately went on their way. Ilya, on the other hand, stayed in the lounge. She didn't promise that she would be there to welcome their return.

As the three passed through the lively plaza, their mood plunged down rather than being uplifted. 

The street musicians were playing a melody of merriment. Their music made the people hop on their feet, twirling around to compliment the harmony. The fountain located in the middle of the plaza was as live as the crowd. The differently colored lights turned into vibrant orbs as one's vision went blurry. 

If it was any other day, Severio, Heller, and Bard would appreciate the festivity. They would have even joined the people dancing beside the fountain. It wasn't anything like how they celebrated certain occasions in their clan.