2nd Recursion: Next Step (6)

The young man knew that it was unfair of him to ask for help from Ilya. 

He knew how cruel his family had been to her. The Lady didn't deserve their treatment through and through. 

Vhelian believed that it was his fault that Ilya had suffered. He knew that it was wrong, yet he did nothing to save her. Even now, he didn't feel that he deserved anything by virtue of how neglectful he had been. 

If Ilya was out there living in the wilderness, Vhelian wouldn't think for a second to join her. If Ilya was suffering from hunger, he would begin starving himself right at that moment.

He was young, very much so. But he already felt responsible for everything that's happening around him. He even went as far as to think that these tragedies, some way or another, were connected to him. 

Vhelian couldn't get rid of the thought that it was because of him that many people were in misery. And, of course, it was Ilya he was the guiltiest about.