2nd Recursion: Next Step (10)

The heavens shared the sentiments of the citizens of the Arsheston Fief. 

It was full of clouds, threatening to let out a downfall that would flood the entire fief. 

It lacked the slightest bit of color, mirroring the absence of hope in everyone's hearts. 

The air was difficult to breathe. It was as if every participle was carrying a hundred year's worth of suffering. 

The main roads down to the narrowest of alleyways were devoid of souls. Aside from the soldiers who frequently roamed around the fief, checking if there were anyone violating the new law set by the Empire, the roads had barely seen a citizen in the past couple of months. 

And the silence…

… It was eerie. 

It was not the kind of silence where no sound could be heard. 

It was only the silence of the people's desires. 

The distant cries from people who were suffering from the disease eating through their flesh would give anyone horripilation.