3rd Recursion: Reset

A pained groan resounded within the muzzy darkness of a small chamber. In the mornings when the Sun was at its brightest, not a single one of its rays would be able to reach the room. There were simply no windows inside and the door itself was always tightly shut.

'What… What is happening to me? I can't move my body at all.'

Strangely enough, there wouldn't be any difference if the door was opened. The room was located in the basement of the building where the servants of the Gertrude Dukedom resided. The basement was a space for storing the cleaning and construction supplies. It wasn't an appropriate place to use as a living quarter.

But then again, Ilya had no--

'I… It's dark. I don't want it. I don't want to be in the darkness.' 

If she wanted to live, she ought to embrace her circumstances.

No matter how suffocating the air inside the room had gotten, she would never raise any complaints about it.