3rd Recursion: Hesitation (5)

Vhelian did not feel comfortable sitting on Ilya's makeshift bed.

First, it was the bed used by a lady. As a nobleman, he was educated to be as respectful as he could be. That included him not intruding on a lady's personal space.

Even if Ilya gave her explicit agreement, Vhelian didn't feel that it was right for him to sit on her bed. 

He did offer to sit on the empty crate instead. However, Ilya rejected his offer by saying that it was dirtier than the surface of her cardboard of a bed. 

As of the moment, the siblings were seating in front of each other. Ilya didn't say a word. She wanted Vhelian to speak up first. 

After all, it was the young man who approached foremost. Moreover, she had nothing to say to him. 

Yes, Ilya had a lot of questions to ask. 

Why was it that Vhelian wanted a relationship with her now?