Diary 10: Min Soo's Choices

The grimoire on his hand was later shown to David, the man seems to know something is up. David checks the content of the book, only for him to raise his brows. He then flips the pages, but nothing comes out.

The pages are all blank, nothing pops out when he opens it. When Min Soo is the one who touches it, however, the pages are filled with the runes.

David's deep blue eyes gazed upon Min Soo's bronze eyes, he shows the symbol in front of the book to Min Soo. He asks the man where did he get that book, to which Min Soo replies with a puzzled look. Not even the idol knows why he was given that book. The man is clueless about the book's origin.

He thinks hard about the book's origins, and that's when Aphrodite's face shows up. The Goddess may be the one behind the sudden appearance of the grimoire in front of him. David explains that the symbol on the front book is the symbol of the Love Goddess Aphrodite, which governs the water element.

"Can you read the scripture?" David asks the K-pop Idol.

"Strangely, yes" he answers lightly.

David gives it some thought, the man then proceeds to flip the pages. Yet, another rune that he cannot read, David can only think that Min Soo is a special being that was chosen by the Goddess. His sudden appearance may hold the key to protect Sanctus Luminera from its impending doom.

After that, the man then leads the pink-haired young man to somewhere else. A place where the man understands the gravity of the situation. Right next to the entrance of Arachnesia City is an exotic large building with a banner on the top. It appears to be some sort of organization, the symbol of a wolf is plastered on the navy banner.

It appears to be a symbol of Fenrir, a wolf that has been existed in Norse folklore. Min Soo knows this because of games' influence. Inside the building seems to be an office of some sort, another male staff welcomes Min Soo as he enters the premises. His face is similar to Hansel, the one who also works as the guild staff.

David introduces Min Soo to the staff, the purple-haired man on the counter appears to be Hansel's twins. His name is Gretel, but despite the resemblance of their names toward the kid's story Min Soo read when he was young, Gretel is a male instead of a female. Wearing a blue eyepatch on his left eye, his glistening hazel eyes gaze at Min Soo bronze ones.

He silently offers his hand for Min Soo to shake, which Min Soo happily obliges. He introduces himself quietly, different from his twin, Gretel is quieter. The man then asks David about Min Soo, indulging his curiosity over the fact Min Soo looks cute and handsome. Min Soo blushes when he heard the words of compliments came out from the twin's mouth.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Gretel smiles. "I am Hansel's younger brother, Gretel".

"I'm Min Soo, nice to meet you" Min Soo blushes.

He bows his head as he shows off the inside of the exotic building, which appears to be an office. After that, he leads the two outside the building to go to another side of the building through a different entrance. Instead of an office, they're welcomed with new tough-looking faces.

It appears to be yet another tavern and a place to hang out, somewhat resemble the guild. Gretel explains that the building they're in is called the Nightsbane Union. Somewhat similar to a guild, they also accept quests and offers from the citizens. However, what differentiates both of them is the jurisdiction.

Union is limited to official guarding jobs only and it usually approaches government officials. The union's main job is to be an acting bodyguard to those who hire them, while guilds are more leeway with the quests and clients. Guilds prioritize explorations, emergency rescue teams, and other things that are related to adventures.

While Nightsbane Union is a company for the people to hire them personally, whether it is as a messenger or a bodyguard. Exploration is not on their job list, hence why guilds are more flexible. Gretel coughs awkwardly as his hazel eyes looked at David who stands idly next to Min Soo.

"Mr. David King here is the owner of the Nightsbane Union, he's the chief in command and the reason why Nightsbane Union exists" Gretel explains.

David waves his hands awkwardly at Min Soo whose mouth is opened wide. The Idol wouldn't have thought he met an important person with a critical role, to begin with. Then again, he remembers the layout of his house, and how he's rich.

David tells Min Soo to stay as he is, don't refer him to any honorifics since he hates being called that way by a friend.

Min Soo hears throbs when he hears the word 'friend' by David, the good-looking man next to him considers him as a friend. Somehow, it makes his heartthrobs uncontrollably

"But you never said anything about me calling you Mister or Master" Gretel grumbles. "So this new person gets a special treatment?".

"It's nothing like that" David sighs. "In any case, thanks for showing us around Gretel, you may leave us alone".

Gretel bows his head politely as he made his exits, he walks away from the two of us. There are lots of people around the tavern, full of men in uniforms and suits.

Their weapons are safely stacked in a locker room ahead, their eyes glazed at the Idol's new face and David. Like prey surrounded by predators, Min Soo gulps as their sharps eyes browsed his appearance from the top to the bottom, silently judging him.

"I want to talk to you" David taps Min Soo's shoulder. "Just the two of us, if you want".

Surprised by his sudden offer, the young man nods as he follows David who leads him to exit the blaring eyes from the people inside. The aura is quite different from the guild who seems to be freer and less tense. The union, however, there's a certain heaviness in the air as he passes by.

Their suspicious eyes eyeing on Min Soo's every movement every time he opens his mouth to reply to David. After escaping their eyes, Min Soo and David sit down on a bench under the oak tree on the center of Arachnesia. The blonde-haired man gazes upon Min Soo's puzzled looks, without hesitating he shot a difficult answer.

"Min Soo, which one do you choose? The guild or the Union?" he asks.

Min Soo widens his eyes when the tall man next to him asks such a straightforward question, his eyes look downward toward the colorful concrete below him.

"Who are you, Min Soo? Why the Goddess chose you for this? And what's your plan in the future?" the man looks at Min Soo curiously. "Please, tell me everything about yourself".