Diary 28: Min Soo's Wet Dream

Crow Setzer is a new character that comes into the scene out of nowhere. Just like any loner wolf character, his golden eyes shine in the darkness; his cold gazes emitted from his feline gold eyes. Crow is standing behind David, leaning on the beige wall. Crossing his arm in displeasure, the man growls slightly at Min Soo.

David calms him down, trying to calm Crow's nerves from snapping at Min Soo. After the funeral procession has been done, David buries four of his butlers and three of his maids in the backyard of the mansion. Min Soo is only able to see the process from the window of his bedroom.

His bronze eyes widened at the sight of the weeping families and the sorrowful expression that comes from David's face. It is unusual to see David changes his expression, he barely flinches and is shocked when the demons attack him. However, when his maids and butlers fell, it shows on his face that he's distraught.

Crow doesn't like Min Soo, the lone wolf dislikes the Idol hesitations and weakness. Min Soo knew this well, his eyes emit fear while Crow displays his inner strength. The aura of Crow's dislikes toward Min Soo is so enormous that even David can feel it in his bones. David scurries Crow's away from the scared Min Soo who's frozen in his bedroom.

After shooing him away, David comes to Min Soo's bedroom with a heavy sigh. The man apologizes for Crow's behavior. Still, Min Soo can't help but Crow's annoyance toward him isn't misplaced, it's normal for him to feel such anger toward a coward character like Min Soo. The Idol is aware of Crow's hatred for him,

"This is because I'm incompetent as a mage, thus Crow-".

"That's enough, you're sick" David sighs. "It's impossible for you to defend yourself at that time".

Min Soo pulls a deep breath as he tries to contain his negativity behind his poker face. Wilson already checked his health, Min Soo should be fully healed by tomorrow. His mana flow is quite messy since Min Soo is sick, thus making the Idol's body frail. Still, he can't help but notice the dislikes in Crow's eyes.

"Don't think of him, Crow is just an old co-worker I used to work with" David ensures Min Soo. "He might be strange, but he means well".

Min Soo pouts slightly that David protects him and values him so dearly. A pang of jealousy seeps into the Idol's heart. Sometimes that part of him, the Idol truly hates that his jealousy took over his heart and senses. David admits that he wouldn't have thought the demons would attack his mansion.

It appears that their activities lately have been worrisome.

"Get some rest Min Soo" David urges the idol to rest. "Tomorrow I will train you on how to control your mana flow, plus I will accompany you to your next quest".

Min Soo nods lightly as he tucks in his bed, he could only hope that Crow's sinister golden gaze would stop. The coldness that emanates from his eyes scares him, he's different from David; Crow seems to be the type of person who doesn't hold back when he dislikes someone.

Min Soo could assume so since he's been able to judge a person by the look of their eyes.

"What a wonderful day," Min Soo thought solemnly as he falls asleep.

* * *

The K-pop Idol is awakened on the stage where he usually performed, the difference is that he's alone. None of his band members are around and the light shines on him forevermore. He gets up from the lonely stage, right on the front he could see a familiar figure standing tall, like a proud lion.

Min Soo bravely approaches the figure only to see David King with his charming smile. He turns around and bows his head politely toward Min Soo. Not long after that, David silently take Min Soo's hand and cupped the back of his hand like a gentleman. Min Soo stutters as he evasively tries to take his hand away from David.

However, David is stubborn to his desire as he pulls Min Soo's arm toward him gently. His gentle touch made Min Soo unable to resist him. Not long after, another figure shows up from the darkness, Min Soo knew who that figure belongs to as soon as he sees the blinding golden eyes from the darkness.

Crow Setzer appears as he pulls Min-Soo to him instead, the Idol is trapped between the two charming men embrace.

"Huh? What is this?" Min Soo laughs awkwardly. "Guys, please can you let me go?".

The two remain on Min Soo's side, Crow's lips travel to Min Soo's wrist; kissing his wrist seductively as if marking him to be his. David on the other hand slowly caresses the back of Min Soo's hand, his hands then travel fast to Min Soo's arm.

The Idol slight moan to their touches, he looks above him and sees the Goddess eyeing on him intently while floating above him.

"Enjoying the display? This is your deepest desire Min Soo" the Goddess shrills in excitement. "I'm only helping you in satisfying your sexual desire".

"Satisfying my ass" Min Soo glares at the Goddess above him.

Their touches are starting to get more intimate, Min Soo moans escape his plump lips as Crow slips his hands inside Min Soo's clothes.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Min Soo manages to yell.

* * *

"STOP BEING SO HANDSY!" Min Soo screams in his sleep as he falls on the floor with his face first.

His forehead is slightly in pain, but nothing serious about it. Min Soo groans and wakes up from the floor as he massages his forehead painfully. He looks at the alarm clock on the nightstand, it shows the time as clear as day. It's seven in the morning, earlier than he expected since he remembers vividly that they're going to meet up in the guild at nine.

"Alright, that was a strange dream" Min Soo groans. "Curse that Goddess and her mind".