Diary 90: Necromancer Twin

David and Luna rush over to the designated place, they're going to attack Arachnosia from the demons and the guard in there. Luna tells his brother that his beloved called himself Soo, to differentiate himself from his foolish past self. David is in charge of the front gate, distracting the demons and guards onboard. 

Tae Min and Nai are the infiltration team, they know Arachnosia's layout changed after these several years, hence they're the perfect choices. The guards and demons' who are under the charm spell of Soo's attack violently. The human especially, they attack like a broken zombie; as if their minds are consumed by the charm.

David blocks the attack, as he repels back the mindless man that attacks him to the back. The explorer renders him useless, stabbing the man relentlessly. David's squad is accompanied by Luna, she's in charge of healing the whole squad on the premises. David can stand seeing himself slaughtering the innocents.