Diary 142: Sealed Memories

Min Soo enters the door, following the elf closely behind him. Fogs are the only thing he can see, as expected of the land of elves. They use the fogs to cover their tracks and homeland from intruders. Petrie tells him that the elves have always been a private race, they're not exactly close with any race.

Different from dwarves and humans who constantly trade and negotiate for the sake of their country relationship, the elves are secluded. They chose this kind of seclusion from their free will, the elves wishes to be alone. Min Soo asks Petrie whether he feels lonely for that kind of decision.

The brunette-haired elf scoffs slightly, a hint of sadness crosses his face. 

"I can't say that I'm not lonely" he admits his thought. "I'm confused why the elders chose to alienate ourselves from other races, aren't we supposed to be wise and humble?".