Diary 153: The Three Meets

Min Soo is fighting against himself, his mana is rapidly increasing the moment he and Soo touches. The mind game starts at that time, the intense pressure Soo puts on Min Soo affects Crow and Elder Kan who try their best in supporting Min Soo to fight back against his other self, the Idol solidify his mind with his might.

Elder Kan tells him to think of happy thoughts, it's the key to defending his mind from Soo's manipulation. Min Soo thinks of his moments with David and Crow, it's the happiest moment for him when he sees the two of them get along with each other. He remembers the first quest they did together as a team.

Min Soo uses those memories to push the negativity Soo uses on him. Soo is starting to lose his control when the Idol is pushing back his mind control. Min Soo uses his happiness to counter Soo's dark manipulation. However, a crack was made when Soo whispers the next words.