"Ah… I can't believe I'm helping in clearing their name." Gin shakes his head after doing one last read through of the script he worked on for the past few hours.
"I know. The uh… detention of you has been rather excessive, but you were simply caught up between the politics, and clan bullcrappery." Fumio consoles Gin as he does a final check of the filming equipment.
"I know." Gin sighs as he fixes his suit and hair.
"Hey. You're getting skilled at that." He then comments on how comfortable Fumio looks in setting up the filming equipment.
"Hey. It's interesting." Fumio simply shrugs.
"Hey. How did you go back to the Kumagai unnoticed, film the things they've been doing, and come back casually like you didn't just trespass in a clan compound alone." Gin asks as he goes to stand with his back towards a wall covered in green cloth, and facing towards Fumio's camera.