"*huff* *huff* *huff*"
Kotone is lying on her back on the grass, exhausted after a ten-minute spar with Red.
"Well done, Kotone." Red stands over her.
"Thanks, Kichirou-san." Kotone rolls her eyes.
"Really. Of course, you're a long way off in landing a hit on me, but you really did well." Red assures her and Kotone is consoled.
"Now just work on what I've taught you today."
With that, Red is done guiding Kotone for the day.
"My turn." Fumio excitedly joins Red, to prepare for a spar.
"We won't be sparring. Come with me.." Red gestures as he starts to lead the way to leave.
"Kichirou-san. May I come with and watch?" Kotone asks in a hurry as she sits up.
"It's Fumio's call. He's gonna get need to get naked." Red says.
"I-what?" Fumio is dumbfounded.
"I won't go then." Kotone drops her curiosity.
"So uh… what brings us here, boss?" Fumio asks as he looks around.