
"Children. Line up!" Gin commands the children, breaking Chihiro away from Yoshiko.

The children follow the order immediately and they line up side by side in front of Red.

"Good afternoon, Kichirou-san!" They greet Red enthusiastically.

"Good afternoon, children." Red smiles at them.

"Let me introduce you to this young lady." Red gestures Yoshiko in front of the children.

Yoshiko almost shakes her head at Red's move. She knows that Red is doing it to play with her heart, making her want the job. But she already has decided to take the job.

"Good afternoon, children. I'm Yoshiko." Yoshiko cuts Red off and introduces herself instead of letting Red do it for her. 

"You can call me Yoshiko-sensei. I will be your school teacher, and I will be living in that house over there."

Red smirks, pleased that Yoshiko decided to take the job.