Fumio Sparring

"I think we should stop?" Fumio stops swinging at Blade Tornado and asks.

"Yeah… I think we should." Blade Tornado sighs in relief as he collapses to one knee in exhaustion.

"Fuck. You're ruthless. I thought you'd stop once I can no longer maintain my blades." He complains.

"Well, you're lucky it's not my teacher who's here. Heh." Fumio thinks he is not as bad as Blade Tornado thinks.

During the spar, once he noticed Blade Tornado's gradual improvement in dealing with the sword, he wanted to see more. When Blade Tornado started to get tired and his movements slowed, Fumio adjusts his speed and strength accordingly.

'I think this is what boss feels when training us?' he chuckles internally, thinking about his rare but fruitful spars with Red.

"Yeah? Well I'm lucky then. I almost asked Old Phantom for lessons." Blade Tornado chuckles in relief.