
[Rizretheen at your service, Master.] Rizretheen is aware that her life is now under Red's mercy, but strangely, she feels fine with it.

While her brain also knows that she was tricked into submitting her life and freedom, she feels fine with it too.

[Alright. You're one step away out of this hellhole – heh – out of this place.] Red jokes as he turns around to leave.

[W-where are you going, master?] Rizretheen is afraid of being abandoned.

[While I'm more than strong enough to break you out of here right now, I'd rather do it discreetly. Endure a few days more. I'll be back.] Red commands.

[I will wait for you, master.] Rizretheen accepts her situation for now, relying on the hope that Red brought her.

Red then proceeds to the room or cell next door and finds a demon of pride.

Unlike with Rizretheen, the demon of pride is a lot harder to talk to.