A Dinner With Fumio

6 PM

"99… 100! Yes!... 101, 102, 103…" Fumio gets excited after surpassing one hundred seconds standing and walking on the surface of the chaotic sea water after four hours of water walking practice.

His excitement cost him however, and *SPLASH* he loses his control and falls in the water once again.

*splash* He resurfaces on the with a smile, and lets himself float, satisfied with his progress.

"Alright. That's enough for the day." He decides to stop his water walking training as he is already feeling a huge headache coming, which he attributes to the mental drain from four straight hours of concentration and focus.

After reaching the shore, he activates the drying function of his kimono, and the water soaking him is flicked off of his body.

"Phew… Looks like boss won't be here anytime soon." He then pulls out his phone and looks up where he currently is.