Fumio, after practicing his water walking skills on the nearshore for the entire morning, he decides to take a break for brunch.

He also realizes that forcing himself to train without seeing progress, is a waste of time and effort.

He is satisfied in his progress in the past three days, and is feeling a bit complacent. After all, he can now stand atop the water until he runs out of spiritual energy.

The high waves are the only ones that are giving him problems. Half the time, he manages to stay balanced, half the time, he is toppled by them.

As soon as he lands back on the beach, he pulls out his phone from his storage ring.


His phone suddenly vibrates, receiving a text message from Manager Konno.

[Fumio-san. Is the shop available all of tomorrow to book for the girls? The usual arrangement.]

Fumio immediately texts a response.

[Yes ma'am. I'll see you all tomorrow.]