Bonnie and Clyde

Gentarou pulls out once again the glass container with the piece of wood in it, holds it towards the demon chained up beside Minoru, "O, kanerakkah…", and he starts chanting an incantation in an unknown language.

"…Muvachip'hramak aiklakun…"  Minoru's eyes meanwhile, glints in expectation, having witnessed Gentarou do the ritual three times already.

"Mhehehehe…" The demon suddenly starts chuckling in contempt, confusing Gentarou.

Gentarou also feels something strange, but does not let it distract him.

He takes a deep breath and, "KRUITTALE TAYA'UNNE!", completes the spell with a theatric shout.

He waits for one, two, three seconds, but realizes that something happened, or did not happen.

"Huh?" Gentarou frowns.

"Mmhhahaahaha!" The demon's chuckle this time ascends to a full-on belly laugh of ridicule.

Minoru, finding the ridicule in the demon's laughter satisfying, "Hhahahaha!" copies it and directs it to Gentarou.