Tezguniuth, The Mean


Advance Merry Christmas Folks. 

Sorry, this chapter is very short  compared to the usual, and time was tight due to me doing a lot, I mean, a LOT of cooking, for very little pay. But hey, free food for days. 

It will be the same tomorrow too.

I just wish I was a fast enough writer to have prepared a few chapters in advance. Unfortunately, not. 

As you might all notice, even this author's note is haphazardly written.


Kotone and Tezguniuth are now in the front yard of the Red's house, standing a few meters apart, facing each other.

Kotone is already assuming a stance, ready for action at any moment, while Tezguniuth simply has his arms crossed on his chest, resting them on his big belly.

"Make your move…" Tezguniuth then lazily beckons Kotone before putting his hands down on his sides.