
Hello Readers. 'Sup? Just want to apologize. The chapter's a bit shorter than usual, and again, unpolished. I'm writing this while having a fever, and my focus is yet again, off. I'll make it up in the future chapters.

On to the story.


The couple, despite already receiving free money, hesitate stepping out of the car in front of a warehouse, in the middle of nowhere.

."What do we do?"

"Let me call them."

While the two are discussing what to do, *knock**knock* they are startled by a young gorgeous woman, dressed in an orange, leaf patterned kimono, knocking on the passenger window.

"…" While the two are stunned, the young woman gestures to them to roll their window down, which the woman in the couple hesitatingly does.

"Mr. Tajima Yori and I assume… Mrs. Tajima?" The woman greets them and, "I'm Riz.", she introduces herself.

"You're Riz?"