/We have landed in Yamagata Branch's private airfield. To the first time visitors, I welcome you all to Japan./
The pilot's voice coming from the PA speakers is ignored by the few passengers in the plane. After all, they are more concerned with something else.
"With all due respect, sir. The High Scholar asked us to keep our eyes on you at all times." A hulking Caucasian middle-aged man wearing a black suit and tie, says sternly as he blocks the aisle of the plane.
"What's the big deal? Japan is a very peaceful country. I speak the language too." The man whose way was blocked, an olive-skinned, masculinely good looking, ethnically ambiguous man who looks to be in his 30s, stops in his steps as he adjusts his already impeccably adorned tie and suit jacket.
"I don't know what's your rank in the brotherhood, sir…" A Caucasian woman steps behind the man.