"What can you see?" Havvah asks her demon driver who is currently suspended a few meters above the ground, looking at the view above the tall trees.

"Nothing, master. Just a regular hill." The demon reports.

"Seems uninhabited too…" He adds.

"No…" Ahdem who was looking around, shakes his head as he gets on one knee, lowers his face to the ground, and sniffs it.

"Yep… Someone's been here, recently." He says as he stands back up.

"... How recent? …" Havvah asks, not wanting to sniff the footsteps Ahdem saw.

"Two? Three days?" Ahdem says as his eyes get busy again.

"There." He spots another object of interest in the ground nearby.

This prompts an investigation from him.

A few minutes later.

"So… the footsteps are heading to the same direction as us." Havvah notes the obvious.

"What have you surmised?" She asks Ahdem.