"This is good."

Treasure Fragment Dimension.

"My, my." Red joins Havvah and Ahdem who are currently lazily sparring.



Havvah and Ahdem stop what they are doing and they greet the man.

"It's only been… 71 days? Wow. 71 days and you are already sparring with the breathing technique." Red nods in approval.

After Ahdem and Havvah spent some days with Fumio to counsel the young man, their training with Red finally started four real-world days ago.

Red has trapped them in the treasure fragment dimension to have them focus on training the sixteen meridian opening poses and the breathing technique.

"It's been 71 days? Huh…" Ahdem shrugs.

"Time passes huh…" Havvah too does not find the length of time a big deal.

"Heh." Red is amused. "Benefits of a long life, I guess?"