"...They are not Superiori..."



Dominic and Charlotte step out of the portal, rejoining Red.

Yori and Akane too, step out of the portal behind the two S-Class Superiori.

Charlotte, with a strange look on her face, stares at Red without saying anything.

"Something wrong, Miss Newman?" Red asks.

"N-Nothing." Charlotte has a lot of questions in her mind, but simply gives up asking them.

"My garden is quite beautiful, isn't it?" Red asks.

"It is…" Charlotte can only nod.

"We've been using the wood chips like idiots and savages." She adds with a sigh.

She does not know if she can take any more surprises today.

The portal that Dominic just opened, leads to a different treasure fragment that Charlotte awoke in.

It is a portal leading inside a dimension of 12 treasure fragments that Red merged where Of Eden's farms are located.